The New Year in the Gregorian calendar is celebrated in the beginning of January but it is on…
The Tree of Knowledge and The Christmas Tree
What is the altrenative to buying a Christmas tree? Some people are creating trees of knowledge each Christ-mass…
Winter Solstice-Coming Out of the Darkness
On the night of December 21st we will pass through the longest night of the year. On this…
The Meaning of the Rosy Cross
The Rose in mysticism and Hermetic Philosophies is a profound symbol of consciousness and the soul personality. It…
Is Alchemy a “hidden” art?
The Meaning of Secrecy in the Work Arthephius has written,…. “But these things are so set down by…
Mystical Dream Analysis Part 1 -Psychic
Dreams can be a “royal road to the unconscious”, as Freud believed. Freud deciphered dreams as repressed material…
Our Sacred Temples
“God said let us make man in our image.” In Genesis 2:7, It states, “God formed man from…
Saturnalia, Our Fallen Sun-God
SATURNALIA, THE BIRTHDAY OF THE UNCONQUERABLE SUN: Saturnalia was once an ancient Roman festival held annually as a…
Ophiucus and “The Hermit”: The Secret of Yvd and the 13th Zodiac Sign
The Hermit and OPH-IUCUS Ophiuchus /ɒfiˈjuːkəs/ is a large constellation located around the celestial equator. Its…
Music of the Spheres and Our Inner Resonance
Music of the Spheres: Music of the Spheres expresses mathematical harmonics between different planetary bodies and their orbital…