One Man’s Cult is Another Man’s Religion
Once upon a time…
in ancient times
2,000 years ago to be exact…
a carpenter, a prostitute, and 12 other outcasts
started a cult that challenged all social values of the time.
They believed their leader was God incarnate himself.
That he had the power to walk on water and even rise from the dead. They believed he would form a new kingdom and their obsession with revolution worried local authorities.
For decades past followers of the Nazarene, or today better known as Christians were viewed as a cult by the Roman authorities. Christianity starts as a dissident movement within Judaism. So we have a charismatic leader with a message that challenges both religious and secular authorities. It would take 100’s of years for christianity to become a mainstream religion. In fact many of the worlds major religions Buddhism, Islam, and Mormonism have come from the same roots. There’s a fine line between belief and obsession and when a group of people start to believe something they tend to do so putting their own spirit aside invalidating their own fate to come into fruition by the adversary brainwashing the masses. All successful religions have one thing in common, they control the common man. Common acceptance is erasing that fine line between cult and religion, making your God A. OK to pray to without others thinking your crazy. If you really think about it we still are Pagans, all of these different religions believe in a different God, and our Gods are at war with each other, like christianity’s God and muslims mohammed.
Jesus is one mans God, and another mans prophet
… and finally once the business of the church can create a profit by selling you false prophets…
Christians believe that they are following Jesus’ religion, but Jesus wasn’t a christian, in fact Jesus was an Essene Christianity is largely indebted to Essenism for its doctrinal and ethical teaching. Indeed, when very confident and sweeping assertions are made, it is natural to presume that they rest on a substantial basis of fact. Thus for instance we are told by one writer that Christianity is “Essenism alloyed with foreign elements.”
Jewish ascetic sect, which was originally based upon sun- worshipping of Persian anchorites. Eventually it developed into a sect based on Jain yogis claiming to be able to perform miracles by living separately from the world and practicing extreme self-denial. One large Essenic community was in the Qumran region from 110 BC to the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD. It was vacant during the reign of Herd, 31 – 4 BC and especially after a large earthquake in 31 BC.
It is believed among their prominent members were John the Baptist, Jesus and Simon Magus the founder of Gnosticism. One indication that Christ may have been an Essene was that He criticized the Scribes and Pharisees, but never the Essenes. It is, also, speculated that those following Christ were called Essenes before they were known as Christians.
The Essenes possessed a hierarchy. The chief priest was known as Christos (Anointed One), “head of the whole Congregation of israel.” The ordinary priests were called “sons of Aaron,” and there was another functionary known as the Messiah of Israel. He also was known as the Teacher of Righteousness and was to undergo and suffer physical abuse in atonement for the sins of the whole community, enduring “vindictive sentences of scourging and the terrors of painful sicknesses, and vengeance on his fleshly body.”
The Essenic view of the world seemed to be one of predeterminism. Their eternal and omnipotent God not only knew everything that would occur in the world but also arranged for it to happen. Within this predestined arrangement there were two ways that involve a macrocosm and a microcosm. In God’s plan the two ways are the ways of light and darkness, or the ways of good and evilness. Quantities of light and darkness exist in the entire universe, angels and men. The opposite quantities are in constant battle. This battle between the two is macrocosmic, universal, as well as microcosmic, in men. God holds the duality in constant control and knows the eventual outcome.
It was believed that after the final battle in this war of light against darkness that each angel and man would be judged according to his actions to these elements of light and darkness.
The preferred explanation as to how sin entered the world for the Essenes at Qumran seemed not to be the sin of Adam (see Gen. 6:1- 4) but the acts of the fallen angels as recorded in the Book of Enoch. Heavenly angels saw daughters of men and mated with them. They and their offspring, the giants, introduced a superhuman quality of evil into human society. This, the Watcher, myth seemed to be more important in Qumran thought because it presupposes that evil existed in the heavenly realm before hand.
Descriptions of Essenic life come from ancient writers such as Josephus, Pliny and others. They described how the Essenes viewed pleasures as evil, and saw continence and conquest of passions to be virtuous. Their writings have led to confusion concerning marriage, sex and children within the communities. They implied the Essenes abstained from marriage and sex but in many of the excavations of the Dead Sea Scrolls skeletons of women and children have been founds at almost all of the communities, even Qumran, leading investigators to speculate that the communities were not devoid of women and sex. The Qumran documents, the Rule of Congregation and Manual of Discipline, refer to women and children as part of the group. The Damascus Document specifies how children of members should be admitted by training them in the ways of the sect. Other theories are there were married members when the communities were formed, but marriage was abandoned when either partner died. Or, the women and children might have been visiting relatives in the communities and/or were travelers who died in the arid region.
These religious anchorites issued strict sentences on those who broke rules of the community. Partial starvation was the most common punishment for infraction of communal rules. Some sentences lasted for as long as two or more years.
The Essenes called themselves Therapeutae, “healers,” claiming that their austere lifestyle gave them the power to cast out demons of sickness and even to restore life of the dead. Considering this, Christ raising Lazarus from the dead seems a typical Essenic miracle. Others have wondered if such an event could not have occurred after Christ was lain in the tomb following his crucifixion. Essenes might have been waiting in the tomb to revive him.
Due to the various spellings of “Essene” the word could also mean “pious one,” or “doers,” or “doers of the Torah” All of these meanings seem to have been derived from the word.
It seems that Christ used the Essenic method of exorcism when driving out demons, especially in the Gadarene swine. Christ like the Essenes demanded the leading demon tell his name. Knowing the name had magical significance and gave control over the demons. (See Law of Names) Christ gave his sacred name only to his apostles by which they practiced exorcism, meaning only a few of the early Christians were given this power.
All who joined the sect gave away or sold there worldly goods and gave the profits to the sect’s leaders. Whether some of the first communities were called Essenic or Christian the rules were harsh and stern. There was no relenting. This is seen in an event which occurred in one of the first communities. A husband and wife, Ananias and Sapphira, sold their property and gave the proceeds to the community. It was discovered the couple had kept some of the proceeds back for themselves without telling the community. When St. Peter questioned the husband about this and accused him of lying to the Holy Spirit the man fell dead. When Peter later questioned the wife about this, she too suffered the same fate upon hearing what had happened to her husband. The local authorities later arrested Peter and some of the group for murder, but they miraculously escaped. (Acts 5:2-10,18-19)
This seems peculiar behavior among people who were preaching to the world about their loving, omniscient God, loving thy neighbor, forgiveness and doing good to others. The Holy Spirit was and is said to be the Spirit of God. If God is omniscient, or all knowing, then the man and wife could not lie to the Spirit, because the Spirit knew before hand what they would do.
Regardless of their vows of poverty on earth, the Essenes shared grandiose visions of their rewards of wealth and power after the destruction of this world. The and the early Christians thought, as most Christians are expected to think today, this world is only a testing place to determine whether the immortal soul deserves the eternal reward or punishment of heaven or hell. The world or earth itself was not worth preserving or caring for because they believed in the end God would destroy this world and build a more perfect one. When being resurrected in this perfect world they believed they world live in glorified and perfect bodies. This seems to be a hope of attaining in an eternal future the things which one cannot attain in the present.
As always the Essenes saw themselves as the holy ones in the brotherhood of “The Sons of Light.” Everyone else was evil, called “The Sons of Darkness,” or the “men of the Pit.” All were to participate in “The War of the Sons of Light with Sons of Darkness.”
Perhaps this shocks many Christians that claim their religion is the true religion and the Bible is the word of God. But when examining the Essenic teachings one sees established the foundation of Christianity. Within these teachings are the identical concepts of sin, the evilness of wordily and fleshly pleasures, the denial of self and sex, the war between the forces of good and evil, the powers of healing and exorcism, and finally the sacrifice of one in atonement for the sins of many. In brief, the entire Christian religion was laid out or foreshadowed within the doctrines of the Essenes, men who saw nature and life as evil.
Continuing archeological discoveries this century are shedding ever greater light onto the most important and mysterious period in human history; the man and the message of Jesus the Nazarene. Given the recent discoveries of the “Dead Sea Scrolls”, the “Gnostic Gospels” of Nag Hammadi, and now, the long-sought “Gospel of the Nazirenes”, far more has been discovered about the earliest days of Christianity in this century than in all the years prior. And what is becoming more and more clear from these discoveries is that the original message of Christ differs sharply from that of the official doctrines later adopted and enforced by the church.
The Gospel of the Holy Twelve, also known as the Gospel of the Nazarenes, is believed by some to be the Gospel described by many commentators of the early Church as the original teachings of the Nazarene called Christ. Others point to several sections that are found, word-for-word, in the King James Version of the Bible, which they say proves it to be a fraud.
The discovery of Christ’s original teachings
In 1870, an Aramaic manuscript entitled “The Gospel of the Nazirenes” was discovered, translated and published. This ancient scripture, hidden away for centuries in a Tibetan monastery, seems in virtually every respect identical to the work by the same title, that was known and widely quoted from in the first century by the church. Many of the most revered early church fathers, as well as a surprising number of scholars today, have boldly declared that the legendary Gospel of the Nazirenes, later to be known as “The Gospel of the Holy Twelve,” is nothing less than the long-lost original Gospel which, legend holds, was collectively written by the actual 12 apostles in the period immediately following Christ’s death, and upon which all of the Biblical synoptic Gospels are based.
The Legend of the Lost Gospel
For nearly 2,000 years, all we objectively knew of Jesus came to us primarily through the Biblical Gospels. And yet, for all this time, a great and enduring enigma has loomed over these lofty works. In the fourth century, the ruling authorities of Rome decided which of the countless texts, based on Christ’s teachings in circulation at that time, would make up the present-day Bible and deciding once and for all, in effect, which works were to be judged as authoritative and which were not. This decision, unfortunately, carried the undeniable taint of political compromise, and the Bishops making these decisions were doing so at the direct command of the Roman Emperor, and their future financial and social well-being was, and everyone agrees, entirely under his control. It has been whispered ever since the fourth century that much of the true message of Jesus was edited out at that time, due to the oppressive and theologically obtuse influence of Constantine.
The Christian scriptures that failed to be admitted into the Bible were then outlawed, collected, and destroyed.
Prior to 325 AD, however, many of the early Church fathers had included in their writings mention of an earlier Gospel, upon which they claimed in near-perfect unison, the synoptic Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke had all been based. Mentioned or quoted from by such well-known church fathers as Papias, Hegesippus, Iranaeas, Clement, Origen, Basil, Epiphanius, Eusebius, and St. Jerome, this document had gone variously by the title “Gospel of the Nazirenes” (The word “Nazirene” comes from the “Nazirite-Essene” sect, or a Nazirite sect of the Essene branch of Judaism), “Gospel of the Hebrews”, “Gospel of the Ebionites”, and “The Aramaic Gospel of Matthew”.
For nearly 2,000 years, historians considered this work to have been irrevocably lost, but in 1870 a forgotten copy was discovered, hidden away in a Tibetan monastery, and was quickly translated from the original Aramaic, published this time as “The Gospel of the Holy Twelve”. This work was translated into the old-style King James English by Rev. G.J.R. Ouseley. The work was quickly rejected however, and considered blasphemous by the Church.
This text certainly appears to be the very same gospel referred to by so many ancient commentators. Although this original scripture had indeed thought been lost, a number of its passages are well known, having been preserved by various church fathers who quoted them in their writings. Virtually all of the quoted passages can be found in this original Gospel and in their entirety. (as are also virtually the entire contents of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke).
Numerous historical references thus seem to confirm the authenticity of the 1870 manuscript, and many modern scholars since 1870 have concluded as well that this work is, in all likelihood, the original source of much of the material that eventually found its way into the Biblical Gospels. If so, the Biblical Gospels would then be mere edited versions of this earlier, and therefore more authoritative work, just as many have argued over the centuries.
Let’s look at the beliefs of Jesus’s first followers a sect known as the Nazarene.
Fulfilling “The Law” Within
The Gospel of the Holy Twelve declares that in order to achieve eternal life, “The Law” must be fully obeyed. In this respect this text shows us a very “Essene” Jesus indeed, with his unequivocal focus on “The Law” that must be obeyed. But “The Law”, to this Jesus, was not altogether the same Law written in the Hebrew Old Testament, but rather a universal Law pre-written into the inner being of Man. The Law given by Moses, this Jesus claimed, had been altered, betrayed and adulterated by the priests of Persia during the Jewish people’s captivity there. The true Law given by Moses was, this scripture maintains, the same ancient Law that is pre-written in the hearts of all men – the “Law of Love and the unity of all life in the One-Family of the All-Parent”.
This work teaches that living in accordance to the inner Law is the key to salvation, Eternal Life, and the Kingdom of Heaven. It teaches that if one experiences the death of the soul, it is not because one was condemned by God or anyone else, but by being self-condemned. Whatever the evil doers suffer after death would be that which they themselves created in their own unconscious souls prior to their deaths by betraying the Law, the sense of right and wrong, that is pre-written into our inner being.
Making the Two into One
The gnostic “Gospel of Thomas”, “Gospel of Philip”, and “Gospel of Truth” found at Nag Hammadi, reconciling and integrating the dual nature of all being is a main focus of this text. God is repeatedly called not “Father”, but the Father-Mother, or the All-Parent. His attributes are repeatedly described with equal-but-opposite word pairings such as “Love and Wisdom”, “head and heart”, “soul and spirit”, “within and without”, “right and left”, and “male and female”, or the “Oneness” of the divine pair. But by whatever name, is constantly being mentioned, advocated, and described and declares that salvation comes through the reconciliation and integration of these two primordial elements of being.
This Gospel record is the recovered document from which the Four Gospels as we have them today were built upon. It was the first formulated life of the Christ and was written by St. John about the year 70 AD., when he was imprisoned in Rome and given page by page to one whom he could trust.
When the scroll was completed and after its contents had been made known to the Apostles, it was taken to Tibet by the same disciple, who left it in the care of a unnamed lama. Here, it remained until a friar, named Placidus, visited the monastery in the eighteen seventies and asked if he might show it to the Church Authorities in Rome.
The scroll was then given to him and on the way home, which took a long time, he translated a portion of it into Latin and on his arrival in Rome read it to the assembled Cardinals. At first they were impressed, but as he proceeded to reveal the contents they realised that to make it known would discredit the Church which had, during the Council of Nicea, eliminated from the Gospels the Master’s teaching about the love and care of animals and about abstaining from eating flesh-foods. And so the scroll was hidden away in the archives of the Vatican, where it remains to this day.
The reason this Gospel contains much that is in St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke and St. John is because there were many Gospels written about this time containing the true teaching of Jesus, but this was the only one that escaped the pen of the `correctors’, because they did not know of its existence.
The other Gospels contained the teaching of Jesus about the avoidance of meat-eating and about the love for animals, but all this teaching was eliminated by the `correctors’. “The Gospel of the Holy Twelve” is an authentic Gospel and should be accepted just as it is as the original teaching of Jesus.
Like all Sacred Scriptures, The Gospel of the Holy Twelve is mystical, and for right understanding it must be so interpreted. Its value lies in the teaching which in the garment is veiled. To understand the teaching, the garment must be lifted or removed. Then “falsehood passes away, but truth remains.”
In all sacred mysteries, parables are used as garments for Truth that is hidden in its very expression. In one of the `Sayings of Jesus’ —as recorded in the *oxyrhynchus Papyri—we are told: “That which is hidden from thee shall be revealed to thee. For there is nothing hidden which shall not be made manifest, nor buried which shall not be raised.” To those who hid “the key to knowledge” Jesus said “Ye entered not in yourselves and to them that were entering in ye opened not.” Ultimately, “Truth itself is unutterable save by God to God.”
As stated in the Gospel of the Holy Twelve: “Truth is absolute and is in God alone. To men is Truth revealed, according to their capacity to understand and receive.” “Look for the sufficient meaning of the manifest Universe and of the written word, and thou shalt find only the Mystical Sense.”
“To some I speak things common. To others in great light I reveal mysteries: My words are Spirit and Life and are not to be estimated by the sense of Man. They, the prophets, deliver the letter but thou diseloseth the sense. They publish mysteries, but thou explainest the meaning of things sealed. They cry with words, but thou givest understanding to the hearer.” At the close of the Gospel of the Holy Twelve we read: “For them that believe regarding the spirit rather than the letter which killeth, the things herein related are true as Spiritual verities, for others they are as an idle tale.”
It was not without profound meaning that Jesus said: “Raise the stone” of the indwelling Self (to the level of Spirit), and there thou shalt find Me”: and “Cleave the wood”, of the lower and outer consciousness, “there am I”. The “Son of God in man” must be lifted up for the right understanding of the Holy Scripture. Jesus said unto “the sick of the palsy”—and there are many such—”Arise, and take up thy couch.”
One of the first acts of Jesus after His resurrection was to “open the Scriptures” to two of his disciples—-Cleophas and another— whom He joined on their way from Jerusalem to Emmaus. These disciples He found “reasoning together” about the things which had then lately come to pass; and forthwith “He expounded unto them in all the Scriptures, the things concerning Himself”; and He blamed them for their “folly” and for their “slowness of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken.”
Had they listened to the dictates of their hearts rather than to the reasoning of their minds, their Spiritual eyes would not have been “holden.” Jesus also said: “My soul grieveth over the sons of men, because they are blind in their heart and see not,” and again Jesus warned his followers to “beware of false prophets which come in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves.” They would be known “by their fruits.”
The fact that the disciples reasoned together implies a limitation of their consciousness to the outer and lower mental planes, wherein are seen but “the shadows of the tomb.” Thus were the Spiritual eyes “holden”. Their “Heart” was “slow”—a slowness which indicated lack of spiritual understanding. But “While He talked with them by the way, and while He opened to them the Scriptures”, a change came over them: “Their hearts did burn within them”, and their Spiritual eyes were opened.
They awoke and knew Him. He was known of them in the “breaking of the Bread” of Divine Truth which is the food of the soul. And on the opening of their Spiritual eyes, He whom therefore they had known outwardly. “Vanished from their sight”, and they were enabled to testify: “The Lord is risen indeed”!
Most of the mistakes of the materialists arise from understanding localities and things material, when they should understand conditions and principles. The letter of Scripture is but the shadow of Divine Truth.
Those who mistake the shadow for the substance and the substance for the shadow, never arrive at Reality but follow false aims. Those who know the substance as the substance and the shadow as the shadow, arrive at Reality, and follow right aims.
Why are certain teachings hidden beneath the letter? Why, it may be asked, did Jesus teach the multitude in parables? The answer is, the Mysteries cannot be taught by the blood-guilty, nor may they except as “dark sayings”, be given to those—the multitude—who live in conflict with Christ’s teachings.
On this the Gospel of the Holy Twelve is explicit: “They who partake of benefits which are gotten by wronging God’s creatures, cannot be righteous”, nor can they “whose hands are stained with blood, or whose mouths are defiled with flesh”, understand the mysteries of the kingdom, nor are they fit to receive the highest mysteries—”For this people’s hearts are waxed gross”.
The Aramaic “fragments” to which reference has already been made also deal with the “healing works of Jesus”, many of which were effected by methods now known as nature-cure. It is therein recorded that Jesus said: “He who kills, kills himself; and whoso eats the flesh of slain beasts, eats of the body of death. For in his body every drop of their blood turns to poison, and their death will become his death.” The command against killing is insisted on throughout, and the eating of all dead flesh is condemned.
The age in which we live is no age of faith. It is materialistic and anti-christian. Wickedness has become legalised. There is materialism in science and materialism in the Church and in religion. Truth is being suppressed and people are losing faith in so- called democracy and reformers ignore religion and Religion is therefore, and no wonder, repellent to many in these days.
It is important to bear in mind that while the souls of the Righteous become vehicles of Divine manifestation, some inspired writings are coloured by the character or mentality of the instrument or medium through whom they come.
They are not always to be regarded as infallible in every word. Inspiration of the Spirit does not necessarily imply infallibility of utterance, because no man is wholly without error. In the Gospel of the Holy Twelve we read that even among the prophets there has been found “the word of error”.
For a divine message its own truth is the best evidence of genuine inspiration; which is the inbreathing of the Divine through the spiritual organs planted in man for that purpose. Inspiration has its birth in God. To men truth is revealed according to their capacity to understand and receive it.
The creation and salvation of the world is achieved “By the Descent of Spirit into Matter, and the Ascent of Matter into Spirit through the Ages,” and such is the teaching of the Gospel of the Holy Twelve. We also find in this Gospel a command of Jesus that we “Love one another and all the creatures of God”—God being in all creatures.
Children are to be “brought up in the ways of righteousness, neither eating flesh, nor drinking strong drink; nor hunting the creatures which God hath given into the hands of man to protect.” That Jesus came into the world to put an end to bloody sacrifices and flesh eating is explicit.
The doctrine of Regeneration is definitely taught by Jesus as the means whereby man is “made perfect through suffering: changes of life for the perfecting of souls.” Having thus become “purified through many experiences,” man shall die no more, neither shall he be born any more, for death hath no more dominion over him. In this teaching, there is no “scapegoat” Christianity: nor forgiveness or remission of sin by “vicarious atonement”: For sins against the law of God there can be no remission save by “repentance and amendment.”
“The Scriptures contain the Word of God, but often interpolated and transformed by the error of man, whether by accident or design.* Shall we cast away the gold or despise it for the sake of the dross mingled with it? Doing this we should be foolish, not wise.”
The purpose of making known the Gospel of the Holy Twelve is for the restoration of the original text, depicting the life and uttering the truth relating to Christ’s mission on earth. In this Gospel the prediction by Jesus was fulfilled. He said to His disciples: “They shall put you out of the Synagogues because they have not known me”. And if it be asked who are His disciples, the answer is given thus: “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples if ye have love one to another, and shew mercy and love to all creatures of God.”
Let us bear in mind the following words recorded in the Oxyrhynehus Papyri: “Jesus saith, let not him who seeks cease until he finds, and when he finds he shall be astonished; astonished he shall reach the Kingdom, and having reached the Kingdom he will rest.”
Let it be said that no mere ecelasiastical organisation will in the long run be able to stand against the eternal principles of Justice, Humanity and Love to all manifestations of God, whether human on non-human.
Of the Churches it may be said—”We sat on the ancient foundations, but we revealed not the ancient truth; we have the keys to heaven, but we opened not the gate ourselves nor suffered others who desired, to enter. To us was given Light, but we concealed it in a dark place, and those who cried for more light we persecuted and counted as heretics, and caused many to be put to death in our blindness.
And even now. 0 Master, we had well nigh again rejected Thee, but by the mercy of the Eternal—we heard the Holy and True doctrines which once Thou gayest by parable—even the doctrines of ancient times given anew—the new wine of Thy Kingdom; and at length our eyes being opened and our ears being unstopped, we have returned to Thee.”
As this Gospel was not addressed to the heathen, but chiefly to the true followers of Jesus, in the early days of the Church of Jerusalem, so now it is sent to modern Christians who have strayed into worse than heathen darkness; and if perchance it may be received by men and women of “Peace and Goodwill” to whom “Peace on Earth” was originally announced.
What Is Truth? (translated from Aramaic)
1. AGAIN the twelve were gathered together in the Circle of palm trees, and one of them even Thomas said to the other, What is Truth? for the same things appear different to different minds, and even to the same mind at different times. What, then, is Truth?
2. And as they were speaking Iesus appeared in their midst and said, Truth, one and absolute, is in God alone, for no man, neither any body of men, knoweth that which God alone knoweth, who is the All in All.. To men is Truth revealed, according to their capacity to understand and receive.
3. The One Truth hath many sides, and one seeth one side only, another seeth another, and some see more than others, according as it is given to them.
4. Behold this crystal: how the one light its manifest in twelve faces, yea four times twelve, and each face reflecteth one ray of light, and one regardeth one face, and another another, but it is the one crystal and the one light that shineth in all.
5. Behold again, When one climbeth a mountain and attaining one height, he saith, This is the top of the mountain, let us reach it, and when they have reached that height, lo, they see another beyond it until they come to that height from which no other height is to be seen, if so be they can attain it.
6. So it is with Truth. I am the Truth and the Way and the Life, and have given to you the Truth I have received from above. And that which is seen and received by one, is not seen and received by another. That which appeareth true to some, seemeth not true to others. They who are in the valley see not as they who are on the hill top.
7. But to each, it is the Truth as the one mind seeth it, and for that time, till a higher Truth shall be revealed unto the same: and to the soul which receiveth higher light, shall be given more light. Wherefore condemn not others, that ye be not condemned.
8. As ye keep the holy Law of Love, which I have given unto you, so shall the Truth be revealed more and more unto you, and the Spirit of Truth which cometh from above shall guide you, albeit through many wanderings, into all Truth, even as the fiery cloud guided the children of Israel through the wilderness.
9. Be faithful to the light ye have, till a higher light is given to you. Seek more light, and ye shall have abundantly; rest not, till ye find.
10. God giveth you all Truth, as a ladder with many steps, for the salvation and perfection of the soul, and the truth which seemeth to day, ye will abandon for the higher truth of the morrow. Press ye unto Perfection.
11. Whoso keepeth the holy Law which I have given, the same shall save their souls, however differently they may see the truths which I have given.
12. Many shall say unto me, Lord, Lord, we have been zealous for thy Truth. But I shall say unto them, Nay, but, that others may see as ye see, and none other truth beside. Faith without charity is dead. Love is the fulfilling of the Law.
13. How shall faith in what they receive profit them that hold it in unrighteousness? They who have love have all things, and without love there is nothing worth. Let each hold what they see to be the truth in love, knowing that where love is not, truth is a dead letter and profiteth nothing.
14. There abide Goodness, and Truth, and Beauty, but the greatest of these is Goodness. If any have hatred to their fellows, and harden their hearts to the creatures of God’s hands, how can they see Truth unto salvation, seeing their eyes are blinded and their hearts are hardened to God’s creation?
15. As I have reveived the Truth, so have I given it to you. Let each receive it according to their light and ability to understand, and persecute not those who receive it after a different interpretation.
16. For Truth is the Might of God, and it shall prevail in the end over all errors. But the holy Law which I have given is plain for all, and just and good. Let all observe it for the salvation of their souls.
written by KT for Adept Initiates