Join Anyextee and Jahannah James for a symbolist tour of Egypt that will hunt for evidence of ancient technology and study the sacred science of one of the world’s most advanced civilizations.Journey to sacred sites, visiting the ancient ruins of megalithic structures, temples, tombs, and pyramids with like-minds from around the world.
Journey to sacred sites, visiting the ancient ruins of megalithic structures, temples, tombs, and pyramids with like-minds from around the world.
Together we will hunt for ancient technology and study the ancient sacred science of esoteric symbolism.
We will discover more about ancient engineering techniques, symbolism, geometry, astronomy, cosmology, metaphysics, sacred science, and the esoteric mystery-school teachings encoded in sacred art & architecture and learn how this impacts our future.
Be immersed in ancient Egyptian history, mind blowing mysteries, and the amazing archaeological discoveries of the ancient past. Humanity’s history may not be as it is depicted in our history books!
On this tour you will visit sacred sites like The Giza Plateau, the Djoser step pyramid complex at Saqqara, Karnak, The Luxor Temple of Man, Abydos and more!
Members of this adept expeditions group get exclusive, private access to travel inside the Great Pyramid, the Sphinx enclosure, Abusir, Abu Ghorab and more!
Join this epic symbolist tour of Egypt 14 day adventure and be a part of the esoteric expedition as we uncover our true history!