How are Alchemy and Astrology interrelated? It can be said that Astrology is the sister science of Alchemy. Many have termed astrology a pseudo-science but others have glorified it. Paracelsus is quoted as saying, “Know that there are two kinds of stars-the heavenly and the earthly, the stars of folly and the stars of wisdom. And just as there are two worlds, a Little World [the Microcosm, man] and a Great World [the Macrocosm, the Universe] and just as the little one rules over the great one, so the stars of the microcosm rule over and govern the Stars of heaven.” We can go further by explaining that the seven alchemical stages move through the zodiacs heavenly bodies which divide the solar year. The seven alchemical stages that take place within our soul are the processes that we must undergo in our labor through the Great Work. The Zodiac represents the soul’s cyclical travel back to the one cosmic force. The movement of the 7 stages of soul alchemy through the zodiac determines the type of quality or balances we endure through the span of our lives.
Below is an explanation from Rose Theodora on how each of the signs maps to the planets, metals, and elements:
Aries is ruled by the planet Mars and is associated with the metal iron and the element fire. Mars represents one’s instinctive physical response and determines a person’s energy level.
Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus and is associated with the metal copper and the element earth. Venus describes one’s aesthetic preferences.
Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury and is associated with the metal mercury and the element air. Mercury denotes a person’s mental fluidity and communication skills.
Cancer is ruled by the planet of the Moon and is associated with the metal silver and the element water. The Moon determines our emotional and habitual nature.
Leo is ruled by the planet of the Sun and is associated with the metal gold and the element fire. The Sun signifies our life path and identity.
Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury and is associated with the metal mercury and the element earth. Mercury denotes a person’s mental fluidity and communication skills.
Libra is ruled by the planet Venus and is associated with the metal copper and the element air. Venus describes one’s aesthetic preferences.
Scorpio is ruled by the planet Mars and is associated with the metal iron and the element water. Mars represents one’s instinctive physical response and determines a person’s energy level.
Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter and is associated with the metal tin and the element fire. Jupiter is associated with one’s innate gifts, intelligence, and luck.
Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn and is associated with the metal lead and the element earth. Saturn is associated with a person’s karmic life path, on which they must work methodically to overcome obstacles.
Aquarius is ruled by the planet Saturn and is associated with the metal lead and the element air. Saturn is associated with a person’s karmic life path, on which they must work methodically to overcome obstacles.
Pisces is ruled by the planet Jupiter and is associated with the metal tin and the element water. Jupiter is associated with one’s innate gifts, intelligence, and luck.
Credit issued to The Getty: Excerpt of Rose Theodora’s Explanation on The Alchemical Zodiac