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Spiritual Ascension

Spiritual Ascension

dark night of the soulTo ascend to higher spiritual experiences we will always find that we will first pass through our darker natures. As we dare to come face to face and look straight in the eyes of the “guardians of the threshold”, our shadow, our demons, our lower natures, we pass through the “Black Stage” of the alchemical process. As we realize our demons, we take their power away. This stage is associated with death as the “philosophic mortification”. Of course the death refers to the earthly bound ego, our negativities and our vices. When our demons suffer and die, we also suffer and die in the sense that part of us dies. This death is necessary for the rebirth of the “White stage”, the stage of purification.

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Now we are ready to climb the mountain top and ascend to higher expanded consciousness as we are lifted out of the darkness of the bottom of our pit. Alchemy has been called the “Black Art” by some, but of course, this is symbolic of the first stage of the process. Those who dare to take on the “Beast” within, conquer it, and stand tall above it, soon realize why Alchemy is also called the “Royal Art”. Our shadows can be deeply hidden within us, even as deep as what Carl Jung referred to as the unconscious.


written by Steve Kalec

Forthcoming Work: Beautiful Alchemy

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