The Ars Notoria is a medieval ritual text for self-initiation, purification and prayer whereby one gains rapid knowledge of all knowledge, eloquence and memory through the ‘inspection’ of a series of magical Notae or knowledge-sigils. One of the most popular grimoires of the middle ages – as mentioned as it is denounced – this wonderful volume of Christian Theurgy provides us with one of the most in depth and complicated magical operation to survive from the medieval period. Indeed, it’s represents it own branch of western magic. Join Dr. Justin Sledge as he explores the ritual procedures, the mysterious angelical orations in Verba Ignota, the Magical Notae and the world of the Ars Notoria – a work of magic which claims to bequeath rapid, supernaturally infused knowledge.
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Recommended Readings:
Véronèse – L’«Ars notoria» au Moyen Age. Introduction et édition critique – 978-8884502537
Skinner – Ars Notoria – 978-0738764528 & 978-0738770307