What’s The Esoterica Behind Revelations And The Seven Churches?

Revelations: In the bible, the number 7 represents perfection. In Revelations it states, The seven-fold spirit of God could be the perfect spirit of God; the Holy Spirit. It also states in Revelations that each church has a specific message or letter that is directed to each one of the 7 angels that belong to that particular church. These stories are ultimately trying to free us from our bonds so that we can ascend to higher vibrations, uniting us with our inner divinity. After each message, the lord states, “He who has an ear, let him hear what the spirit says to the churches.” Each church is promised as a reward by Christ to those able to conquer them. The Seven Churches: Ephesus (root chakra) – The church that had forsaken its first love. Smyrna (sacral chakra) – The church that would suffer persecution Pergamum (solar plexus chakra) – The church that needed to repent Thyatira (heart chakra) – The church that had a false prophetess Sardis (throat chakra) – The church that had fallen asleep Philadelphia (brow chakra) – The church that had endured patiently Laodicea (crown chakra) – The church that was lukewarm and insipid to God Krestos, … Continue reading What’s The Esoterica Behind Revelations And The Seven Churches?